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MRP Price : ₹ 199

Sale Price : ₹ 159

Saving : ₹ 40 [20.10%]

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  • It has antibacterial and antiviral properties that help it to fight off infections.
  • It lowers blood pressure, helps to prevent infections, and combats cough and cold.
  • It neutralizes free radicals on its own but also stimulates your body's own antioxidant enzymes.
  • It is considered to be adaptogenic, balancing different processes in the body and enabling the body to adapt to stress.
  • It controls uric acid production and helps in joint optimum function.


Product Total Stock : 100

Turmeric (Haldi) is a multifaceted wonderful herb that is a natural antioxidant, fights free radical damage and helps to increase general well being, defend the body from all toxins while Tulsi is regarded in Ayurveda as an "elixir of life" and is well known to promote longevity. It has been used for centuries for its diverse healing properties. It is abundant in Zinc and vitamin C, both components that help fight off infections. Consuming Haldi + Tulsi ts on regular basis ensures that immunity is boosted. Haldi and Tulsi combination acts as an immunomodulator and fight against flu and cold. It has traditionally been used for many ages to cure many health ailments such as cough, cold, indigestion and body aches. It contains many beneficial compounds that possess strong antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, adaptogenic and immune enhancing properties.

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